whole care
As a full spectrum doula, I offer support for the full range of reproductive experiences including abortion, adoption, miscarriage, stillbirth, and surrogacy. The stigma that can be attached to these situations can add complexity to being pregnant.
Abortion, adoption, and miscarriage are not experiences unique to certain populations; they are had by people in all professions, communities, walks of life. They can precede or follow a baby carried to term and cared for by biological parents.
Full spectrum doula support recognizes that pregnant people deserve and can benefit from compassion and care, regardless of their choices. A supported journey brings greater peace and satisfaction, across the board. Even--and especially--when the outcomes are difficult ones or the decisions are challenging.
navigating together
As you face the unknown, support will help you access your deepest strength and inner capabilities. The context of our relationship is compassionate care, trust, and open communication. This is not a luxury; I believe it is a human right. I aim to make my services accessible, and offer sliding scale rates as well as abortion access funds.
As you find your way, I can offer context for your situation, illuminate choices, and connect you with community resources. Whether you are in a place of certainty or deliberation, I will help you identify your feelings and goals and move forward with confidence and grace.
I walk alongside you, no matter which course is charted. The aim is not a specific outcome, but, rather, the feeling of having moved with integrity, the experience of being heard, seen, and supported as you navigated choices and met what came your way.